Sarah Urwin Jones, 'Distressed Inventory' (The Herald, 25/06/2011)

Drawing has been the basis of many artists’ practice down the centuries, and while it seemed to be losing ground in art schools in recent years, it continues to hold a key position. So it proves for Duncan Marquiss, whose recent drawings are the basis for this first solo exhibition at his new gallery representatives, Sorcha Dallas.

Marquiss’s mark-making is by no means traditional, however, using “the surface textures of studio detritus”, paper off-cuts and masking tape to make marks.  Not quite abstract, not quite direct representation, Marquiss’s landscapes are the product of a philosophy that explores the space between the world as it appears and the world as it is.

New film work based on observations of his surroundings is also exhibited. Born in Dumfries in 1979, now resident in London, Marquiss studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Glasgow School of Art and as an associate on the Lux Artists Programme.