Press Area

Users of the site can create a username and password which will allow them to access restricted material, for example print-quality images.

Please note that credentials used with the previous version of the website are no longer in use, so you must create an account with this version of the website in order to access restricted material.

If you try to perform an action that requires credentials, such as downloading a print-quality image, you will be asked for your username and password. There is no need to explicitly log in prior to downloading.

If you’ve forgotten your password, click here to set a new one.

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Terms and Conditions

  1. You must inform the Gallery when you republish material from the website

    Please contact us if you intend to use material from the website for publication.
  2. You are responsible for ensuring correct use of any file downloaded using your account

    All files downloaded are logged to allow us to trace copyright infringements and misuse of material. Please keep your login details safe to prevent others using your account.
  3. Images must be properly captioned

    Images of artists’ works downloaded from must be captioned with, at a minimum: the artist’s name; the title of the work; the date of the work; and the sentence ‘Courtesy of Sorcha Dallas’ (or the relevant courtesy).

    Images of exhibition installation views downloaded from must be captioned with, at a minimum: the title of the exhibition (or the artist’s name if the exhibition is solo and untitled); the venue; the year the exhibition was staged; and the sentence ‘Courtesy of Sorcha Dallas’ (or the relevant courtesy).

    Downloaded images featuring more than one work may be treated as installation views at the account holder’s discretion.
  4. Text excerpts must be properly credited

    Text excerpted from articles, essays, press releases or critique on and subsequently reprinted must credit the author of the text where such information is available.