Jack Mottram, 'Rob Churm' (The Herald, 07/04/2007)
Rob Churm’s work may be familiar, even to the irregular gallery-goer- his works adorn Glasgow’s bars, pubs and shops, since he is regularly called on to make posters for events on the Glasgow music scene, including gigs by his own band Park Attack. Churm’s style is instantly recognisable. Always monochrome, it’s meticulous cross-hatching and spidery pattern-making, verging on Op Art, is combined with eccentric, cartoonish figures- a robot here, an exaggerated female figure there- and a sense that, whatever his subject, Churm is having enormous fun. As well as conjuring up the murky nightlife of Glasgow in his more functional poster work, Churm here explores abstract territory, with titles that hint at psychological themes. But whether he’s donning a cap of advertiser or artist, Churm’s strong graphic sense and fastidious approach to draughtsman-ship shine through.
Jack Mottram